Haydn's WebPage

Me after a very long drunken camping trip :-)

Full Name: Haydn Twmas John Gleed

Age: 17

DOB: 3rd August

Occupation: Student at Crosskeys Campus which is part of Gwent Tertiary College

Reason for doing WebPage: Snapped tendon in Knee and was totally bored


About the site

This site is about nothing. I have surfed the internet for months now and every site I have visited there has never been anything which I would call user attractive. What I mean is that most sites only have one major topic, but this WebPage has many, from my fav bands to my fav jokes and my fav downloadable funny games. This site has also sound clips of songs which, as stated below have to be deleted after 14 days which is a legal requirement but the reason for them is to invite you to get interested in the bands and hopefully buy there full CD or cassette albums. Finally if anyone wants to see a subject put up on here, e-mail me and im willing to do some research and have a section put on this site for them. Cause im a nice guy like that :) Enjoy my site, and if u have any comments about the site, sign the guest book (which im in the middle of completing) or e-mail me at hgleed@hotmail.com

Please note that I will try and update the page as much as possible but the MIDI section is the most likeliest to be the most updated


23rd March 2000: Creating the webpage adding links and creating the pages.


I have added MP3's to this site, this is only for research purposes only, you should delete the MP3's within 14 days of having them or sooner if possible. This is a legal requirement.


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